About Me

I started collecting toys as a kid and hardly ever got rid of anything.

First, it was Disney characters and animals.

Then Star Wars came out. I was that kid who had every character and playset.

Never thought any toy line would topple Star Wars as king of the heap, but in 1984, a friend gave me my first G.I. Joe figures—Snow Job and Snake Eyes.

My G.I. Joe collection would quickly eclipse my Star Wars collection. (I even have the U.S.S. Flagg.)

Then, Batman hit in 1989. I kept collecting toys based on that, along with other movies such as Jurassic Park, Terminator, and Aliens.

Two decades and thousands of figures later, I still have shelves of old vehicles and bins filled with figures. Many of them are still complete, with no missing parts.

I’ll be digging them out of storage and posting about them, one by one. Just for kicks.