UPDATED: The Only Clone Wars Episodes You Need to Watch

New to The Clone Wars animated series but don’t have time to watch all 133 episodes before The Mandalorian Season 2? You don’t have to—here’s a list of essential episodes for fans of the live-action Star Wars universe.

The Clone Wars animated film hit theaters in 2008, with the series premiering on Cartoon Network later that year.

My son, then a preschooler, loved the show.

I, on the other hand, could barely stay awake while trying to watch the first handful of episodes. Over the years, I’ve tried and failed three times to sit through the first season—and I’ve been a fan of Star Wars since 1977.

For me, the show is hit-and-miss. Some of the episodes are just a bit too cartoonish for my tastes. (It did start out as a kids’ show after all.)

But 12 years later, I find myself stopping to watch more frequently as my kids binge-watch all seven seasons on Disney Plus. I’ve been enjoying the series more, especially since I’ve become a huge fan of The Mandalorian, which featured a number of callbacks to the animated Clone Wars.

Not every episode is a winner—in fact, I’ve skipped or napped through most of the 131 episodes that have aired so far—but the ones that are good can be downright epic.

As a public service to you, my boys and I have put together this list of The Clone Wars episodes that we highly recommend you watch if you’re a fan of the live-action Star Wars universe but have yet to embrace this animated series.

There’s no need to watch every episode—did I tell you there’s one titled Bombad Jedi, featuring yousa-knowsa-whosa?

We’ve selected these episodes because they feature main characters and plot lines that continue into The Mandalorian, Solo, Rebels, and more.

Here they are, in chronological order: [SPOILER-ISH ALERT: If you don’t want to know too much about each episode, just scan the headers and ignore the descriptions.]

Season 3 Episode 1 (S3 E1): Clone Cadets

A group of clones undergoes training on Kamino, site of the cloning facility that first appeared in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.

S1 E5: Rookies

An intro to Captain Rex and Commander Cody, two clone officers whom fate will eventually place on opposite sides of the conflict.

S2 E5–E6: Landing at Point Rain and Weapons Factory

Anakin Skywalker and his padawan, Ahsoka Tano, join Obi Wan Kenobi and Ki-Adi Mundi in an assault on Geonosis, the red-sand, insect-infested planet in Attack of the Clones. While the Jedi battle against superior weaponry, Ahsoka and Barriss Offee, the padawan to Jedi Luminara Unduli, embark on a side mission.

S2 E12–E14: The Mandalore Plot, Voyage of Temptation, and Duchess of Mandalore

Obi-Wan travels to the planet Mandalore to protect Duchess Satine from Death Watch, a band of Mandalorian terrorists led by Pre Viszla.

S3 E5–E6: Corruption and The Academy

Padme Amidala embarks on a diplomatic mission to Mandalore, where she uncovers a sinister plot. Meanwhile, Ahsoka Tano is assigned to teach cadets on Mandalore.

S3 E2: ARC Troopers

Anakin, Obi-Wan, Shaak Ti, and the 501st Legion defend Kamino against an onslaught by General Grievous and Asajj Ventress, the Sith apprentice to Darth Tyranus AKA Count Dooku.

S3 E12–E14 Nightsisters, Monster, and Witches of the Mist

Asajj Ventress enlists a new apprentice: the ridiculously named Savage Oppress (pronounced sa-VAHJ o-PRESS, as if he were French), who is the brother of Darth Maul—the brutal Sith apprentice who was ostensibly killed at the end of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

S3 E18–E20: The Citadel, Counter Attack, and Citadel Rescue

A team of elite Jedi and Clone troopers embark on a mission to rescue Jedi Master Evan Piell (the one with the eye patch who looks and talks like a German Yoda) from the titular fortress. Here, they meet a young Captain Tarkin, who will later command the Death Star in Rogue One and Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

S4 E19: Massacre

Asajj Ventress abandons the Sith and fights off the forces of General Grievous and Count Dooku.

S4 E21–22: Brothers and Revenge

Savage Oppress sets out to find his long-lost brother, Darth Maul—and finds him. Together, they hunt down Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Jedi who once sliced Maul in half like an evil bagel.

S5 E1: Revival

Darth Maul and Savage Oppress take on a band of pirates led by Hondo Ohnaka, now known as the animatronic guide to the Smuggler’s Run ride at Disney parks’ Galaxy’s Edge.

S5 E14–E17: Eminence, Shades of Reason, The Lawless, and Sabotage

Darth Maul and Savage Oppress join forces with the Mandalorian Death Watch to lure Obi-Wan Kenobi into a trap.

S5 E18–E20: The Jedi Who Knew Too Much, To Catch a Jedi, and The Wrong Jedi

In this action-packed, emotionally charged setup to Season 7, Ahsoka Tano is framed for a crime and betrayed by the Jedi Council. By this point, you see how far Ahsoka has come in terms of character development. She’s now one of my favorite Star Wars characters ever.

image from starwars.com

S6 E1–E4: The Unknown, Conspiracy, Fugitive, and Orders

Ever wonder why the clones so easily turned on the Jedi after Order 66 in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith? These four episodes explore the reasons why.

S6 E10–E13: The Lost One, Voices, Destiny, and Sacrifice

If you ever wanted to know more about Sifo Dyas, the long-lost Jedi whose name was mentioned in Star Wars Episode II, or about how Yoda learned to become a force ghost, watch these four episodes. Special appearance by Liam Neeson voicing Qui-Gon Jinn.

Season 7

Watch all of it. Every. Single. Episode. Seriously.

image from starwars.com

S7 E10 has what is possibly the greatest lightsaber fight in the history of Star Wars, motion-captured by Lauren Mary Kim as Ahsoka Tano and Ray Park himself reprising his role as Darth Maul.

Watch it. Please. I beg of you.

Did we miss anything on this list? Disagree with any of these picks? Let us know in the comments below!